Failure, It’s something I am really good at

Jul 2, 2021

If you ever take a risk and it doesn’t work out.. So what! You failed. We have such a negative connotation of failure and without failure, without risk we never reach success.

Remember that first time you were able to ride your bike? After falling hundreds of times. The scrapes, bumps, bruises, and cuts never deterred me, I still got back on and kept trying to ride.

Somehow as we get older we lose that desire to continue to learn and grow through failure and risk. Why do we lose that fire to continually improve, to grow. Is it because as we grow older we become more fearful of failure? Do the stakes rise to a level in which we become complacent & stagnate? How do we overcome that fear and rekindle that fire we had as children to get back up on our bike, even though we failed and try again? At the end of the day it’s courage!

I remember such a feeling of exhilaration when I was able to ride my bike on my own with no training wheels without someone holding the backseat. All those failures all those bumps, bruises, scrapes and cuts were the experiences I needed to feel and experience that moment of success! Guess what? Failure always gives you a present and it’s called experience!


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